12.9.20 | “The Genesis of Jesus — Savior From Sin” | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study

For more details, please visit Min. Danny’s blog post for this Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study.

As His Name “Jesus” (Jesus –> Joshua, “YHWH saves” / “The LORD saves”) suggests, Matthew makes it clear that the prophesied Messiah who was to be a son of David (cf. Jer 23:5-6; Is 11:1-2; 2 Sam 7:11-13, Mt 1:1, 20; etc.) has arrived for the salvation of His people.

But not in the way the Jews expected – not salvation from political oppression, but from our spiritual transgressions.  Not freedom from Caesar, but freedom from sin.

In Christ, God the Father provided a spiritual solution to this sin-sick world, let’s not merely focus on secular solutions for sinful its symptoms.

Let’s not treat Him like a LifeSaver — a piece of candy who merely makes life sweeter. He’s our lifesaver (i.e., floatation device) who saved us from drowning in sin.

Conceived through and led by the Holy Spirit — the true “spirit of Christmas” — Christ came and died and rose again for the forgiveness of our sins.

Let’s tell somebody this Good News —  this Gospel — this week! Christmas time is a great time to talk about Christ.

Bible Study Audio

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Bible Study Video

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Live Stream Recording

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Bible Study Slideshow

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Matthew 1_18-21 Bible Study Slides Genesis of Jesus -- Savior From Sin-compressed

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