For the most recent studies, please visit the Live Stream Page
Bible Study Live Stream Playlist
In-person Bible Study takes place on Wednesdays at 7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall. Food is served, and Prayer Meeting follows at 8:00PM (in the sanctuary).
To see the view/download the slideshow, hear/download the audio recording, and/or watch the video from a recent Bible Study, please click on a link below:
All of the previous live stream recordings can be found on the Alpha Baptist Church Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. More posts and edited versions of these videos are forthcoming.
Lord willing, lessons marked with an “*” will be updated in the future (with edited video, audio, etc.) However, all linked posts should at least include the entire live stream recording for the lesson.
- 3.13.25 | “Lady Wisdom’s Text Appeal: Be A Listener Or A Laughing Stock” | Proverbs 1:20-33 Bible Study
- 3.6.25 | “Don’t Give In To Sin; Beware Of The Snare” | Proverbs 1:8-19 Bible Study [Custom CC]
- 2.27.25 | “First Things First: House Rules” | Proverbs 1:7 Bible Study [Custom CC]
- 2.20.25 | “By One, Get One(self) Free” | John 8:31-36 Bible Study [Custom CC]
- 2.13.25 | “Love On Top: The Supreme Love Of The Lord” | 1 Corinthians 13 Bible Study
- 2.6.25 | “The Crisis of Christ, Divisive Deliverer” | Luke 12:49-53 Bible Study
- 1.30.25 | “Prison To Praise, Suffering To Salvation” | Acts 16:16-34 Bible Study
- 1.23.25 | “Grand Opening, Grand Closing: Christ is Key” | Acts 16:9-15 Bible Study
- 1.16.25 | “Cross Training” | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Bible Study
- 1.9.25 | “Don’t Sit Out At Room Temperature!” | Revelation 3:14-22 Bible Study
- 1.2.25 | “Don’t Waver With The One Who Walks On Waves” | Matthew 14:22-33 Bible Study
- 12.26.24 | “Keep Up The Christmas Declarations!” | Luke 2:8-20 Bible Study
- 12.19.24 | “The Best Gift In History: The Deliverer’s Delivery” | Luke 2:1-7 Bible Study
- 12.12.24 | “Prophetic, Angelic Pregnancy Announcement” | Luke 1:26-33 Bible Study
- 12.5.24 | “Get Ready For Christmas! Celebrate The Presence!” | Luke 1:5-17 Bible Study
- 11.28.24 | “Holy Thanksgiving: An Open Invitation” | Luke 17:11-19 Bible Study
- 11.21.24 | “Happy ThanksLiving!” | Colossians 3:12-17 Bible Study
- 11.14.24 | “Armed, Armored Ambassadors” | Ephesians 6:17-20 Bible Study
- 11.7.24 | “Girded With God’s Armor” | Ephesians 6:14-16 Bible Study
- 10.31.24 | “Christ Is The Victor; Stand Firm In Victory!” | Ephesians 6:10-13 Bible Study
- 10.24.24 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part II) | Psalm 1:4-6 Bible Study
- 10.17.24 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part I) | Psalm 1:1-3 Bible Study
- 10.10.24 | “Holy Birthday” | John 3:1-8 Bible Study
- 10.3.24 | “Fall-o-ween Jesus” | Mark 1:16-20 Bible Study
- 9.26.24 | “The Parable Of The Good Samaritan: Love Without Limits” | Luke 10:25-37 Bible Study
- 9.19.24 | “The Greatest Command: Love the LORD (Be Devotional, Daily)” | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Bible Study
- 9.12.24 | “Listen! If The Gospel Takes Root, The Gospel Makes Fruit!” | James 1:19-21 Bible Study
- 9.5.24 | “Life Is God!” | Philippians 1:18b-21 Bible Study
- 8.29.24 | “The Righteous Deliverer Will Satisfy Seekers Of The Right Diet” | Matthew 5:6 Bible Study
- 8.22.24 | “If We’re Following Christ, Christ Comes First” | Mark 8:34-38 Bible Study
- 8.15.24 | “A Good Shepherd Cares” | Matthew 18:12-14 Bible Study
- 8.8.24 | “Amazing Grace: How Sweet The Sight!” | John 9:13-41 Bible Study
- 8.1.24 | “The Greatest Thing Is Christ’s Bread” | Matthew 14:13-21 Bible Study
- 7.25.24 | “Salt Of The Earth: The Preserving Seasoning Of Heaven” | Matthew 5:13 Bible Study
- 7.18.24 | “SuperHeRose” | Ephesians 1:17-23 Bible Study
- 7.11.24 | “Foreign or Fruitful?” | John 15:1-8 Bible Study
- 7.4.24 | “Good Christians Who Suffer For Good Are In Good Company” | Matthew 5:10-12 Bible Study
- 6.27.24 | “God’s People Make Godly Peace” | Matthew 5:9 Bible Study
- 6.20.24 | “The Wholehearted Who Seek God Will See God” | Matthew 5:8 Bible Study
- 6.13.24 |“Merciful Father, Merciful Children: Showers of Mercy Receive Showers of Mercy”| Matthew 5:7 Bible Study
- 6.6.24 | “The Key To Success: The LORD’s Lip Service” | Joshua 1:7-9 Bible Study
- 5.30.24 | “SON-shine!” | Matthew 5:14-16 Bible Study
- 5.23.24 | “Live Thanks! Victory, Not Vanity!” | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Bible Study
- 5.16.24 “Cross-Train Kids To Stay On The Christ’s Track” | Ephesians 6:1-4 Bible Study
- 5.9.24 | “Water Into Wine: A Miracle For Mum? A Taste Of What’s To Come!” | John 2:1-11 Study
- 5.2.24 | “Lost and Found” | The Parable of the Lost Son(s) | Luke 15:11-32 Bible Study
- 4.25.24 | “Priorities” | Mark 1:35-39 Bible Study
- 4.18.24 | “Wholly Harvest The Holy Harvest” | John 4:35-42 Bible Study
- 4.11.24 | “Hunger For The Food Of Faithfulness” | John 4:27-34 Bible Study
- 4.4.24 | “He’s Alive; You Afraid?” | Mark 16:1-8 Bible Study
- 3.28.24 | “New Passover: The Lord, The Lamb” | Mark 14:12-26 Bible Study
- 3.21.24 | “Palm Sunday: Psalm Sunday, Qualm Sunday” | Luke 19:28-44 Bible Study
- 3.14.24 | “First Aid” | The Healing Of The Paralyzed Man | Mark 2:1-12 Bible Study
- 3.7.24 | “Not So Fast! Not Reforming, Transforming!” | Mark 2:21-22 Bible Study
- 2.29.24 | “Feasting Not Fasting! It’s Not A Wake; It’s A Wedding!” | Mark 2:18-20 Bible Study
- 2.22.24 | “Divine Paternity Tests” (The Temptations Of Jesus) | Luke 4:1-13 Bible Study
- 2.15.24 | “Love On Top: The Supreme Love Of The Lord” | 1 Corinthians 13 Bible Study
- 2.8.24 | “Christian Content(ment)” | Philippians 4:10-20 Bible Study
- 2.1.24 | “Lord, Help Me Not To Lean On Thee; Help Me, Lord, To Lean On Thee” | Proverbs 3:5-6 Bible Study
- 1.25.24 | “To Believe Or Not To Believe: That Is The Question” | John 3:16 Bible Study
- 1.18.24 | “Trust The Master’s Master Plan!” | Jeremiah 29:10-14 Bible Study
- 1.11.24 | “Great Savior, Great Service” | Mark 10:35-45 Bible Study
- 1.4.24 | “New Ears Resolution” | Mark 7:31-37 Bible Study
- 12.28.23 | “Keep Up The Christmas Declarations!” | Luke 2:8-20 Bible Study
- 12.21.23 | “A True Tale Of Two Kings” | Matthew 2:13-23 Bible Study *
- 12.14.23 | “What Are You Getting Christ For Christmas?” | Matthew 2:1-12 Bible Study *
- 12.7.23 | “God With Us! Get The Christmas Spirit Into You!” | Matthew 1:22-25 Bible Study *
11.30.23 | “CHRISTmas Time: Genesis Of Jesus, Savior From Sin” | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study *
- 11.22.23 | “Thank God For Christian Coworkers!” | Philippians 1:1-6 Bible Study *
- 11.16.23 | “Health Wanted” | Mark 2:13-17 Bible Study *
- 11.9.23 | “Christian Construction vs. Flimsy Foundation” | Matthew 7:24-27 Bible Study *
- 11.2.23 |”True Religion: Tongue Tamed, Helping The Disdained, Remaining Unstained”| James 1:26-27 Bible Study*
- 10.26.23 | “Listen! If The Gospel Takes Root, The Gospel Makes Fruit!” | James 1:19-21 Bible Study *
- 10.19.23 | “Stay Ready! Christ Is Coming!” | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Bible Study *
- 10.12.23 | “Jesus: More Than Your Homeboy!” | Luke 4:22-30 Bible Study *
- 10.5.23 | “Awesome Authority, Power Points” | Mark 1:21-28 Bible Study *
- 9.28.23 | “Preach The Word! Reach The World!” | 2 Timothy 4:1-5 Bible Study *
- 9.21.23 | “The King Has Come; Come To The King!” | Mark 1:14-15 Bible Study *
- 9.14.23 | “Divine Confirmation, Demonic Confrontation” | Mark 1:11-13 Bible Study*
- 9.6.23 | “After The Baptism Of Jesus, ‘All Heaven Breaks Loose’!” | Mark 1:9-10 Bible Study *
- 8.30.23 | “Jordan Dunker, Foretold Forerunner” | Mark 1:5-8 Bible Study *
- 8.23.23 | “The Beginning Of The Gospel, The Dawn Of Deliverance” | Mark 1:1-4 Bible Study *
- 8.16.23 | “Catch For Christ!” | Luke 5:1-11 Bible Study *
- 8.9.23 | “The Crisis Of Christ, Divisive Deliverer” | Luke 12:49-53 *
- 8.2.23 | “Faith Works” (Part II) | James 2:21-26 Bible Study *
- 7.26.23 | “Faith Works” (Part I) | James 2:14-20 Bible Study *
- 7.19.23 | “Christ Made Cornerstone: The Day The LORD Has Made” (The Parable Of The Wicked Tenants) | Mark 12:1-12 Bible Study *
- 7.12.23 | “The Parable Of The Sower: Good Seed. Good Soil? | Matthew 13:1-23 Bible Study *
- 7.5.23 | “First Commandment Right: Freedom To Serve” | Exodus 20:1-2 Bible Study *
- 6.28.23 | “Love On Top: The Supreme Love Of The Lord” | 1 Corinthians 13 Bible Study *
- 6.21.23 | “Cross-Train Kids To Stay On The Christ’s Track” | Ephesians 6:1-4 Bible Study
- 6.14.23 | “Worth The Weight: Honor Your Father & Mother” | Exodus 20:12 Bible Study
- 6.7.23 | “Great Name Building” | Genesis 11:1-9 Bible Study
- 5.31.23 | “A Good Shepherd Cares” | Matthew 18:12-14 Bible Study
- 5.24.23 | “Live Thanks! Victory, Not Vanity!” | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Bible Study
- 5.17.23 | “Thirsty? Come To The Well That Makes All Well With One’s Soul” | John 4:1-26 Bible Study
- 5.10.23 | “Water Into Wine: A Miracle For Mum? A Taste Of What’s To Come!” | John 2:1-11 Bible Study
- 5.3.23 | “Life Is God!” | Philippians 1:18b-21 Bible Study
- 4.26.23 | “Don’t Waver With The One Who Walks On Waves” | Matthew 14:22-33 Bible Study
- 4.19.23 | “The Greatest Thing Is Christ’s Bread” | Matthew 14:13-21 Bible Study
- 4.12.23 | “Don’t Sit Out At Room Temperature!” | Revelation 3:14-22 Bible Study
- 4.5.23 | “Palm Sunday: Psalm Sunday, Qualm Sunday” | Luke 19:28-44 Bible Study
- 3.29.23 | “Last Words, Lord’s Will” | John 19:25-30 Bible Study
- 3.22.23 | “The Appeal of Grace, The Appeal of Faith” | Luke 23:32-43 Bible Study
- 3.15.23 | “New Passover: The Lord, The Lamb” | Mark 14:12-26 Bible Study
- 3.8.23 | “If We’re Following Christ, Christ Comes First!” | Mark 8:34-38 Bible Study
- 3.1.23 | “Divine Paternity Tests” (The Temptations of Jesus) | Luke 4:1-13 Bible Study
- 2.22.23 | “Cross Training” | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Bible Study
- 2.15.23 | “The Shape Of Love: The Cross” | John 15:9-14 Bible Study
- 2.8.23 | “Super Bold!” | Ephesians 6:18-20 Bible Study
- 2.1.23 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers (Part III)” | 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 Bible Study
- 1.25.23 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers (Part II)” | 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Bible Study
- 1.18.23 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers (Part I)” | 2 Corinthians 5:11-13 Bible Study
- 1.11.23 | “Amazing Grace: How Sweet The Sight!” | John 9:13-41 Bible Study
- 1.4.23 | “New Ears Resolution” | Mark 7:31-37 Bible Study
- 12.28.22 | “Keep Up The Christmas Declarations!” | Luke 2:8-20 Bible Study
- 12.21.22 | “The Best Gift In History: The Deliverer’s Delivery” | Luke 2:1-7 Bible Study
- 12.14.22 | “The Christmas Miracle: Nothing Is Impossible With God!” | Luke 1:34-38 Bible Study
- 12.7.22 | “Prophetic, Angelic Pregnancy Announcement” | Luke 1:26-33 Bible Study
- 11.30.22 | “Get Ready For Christmas! Celebrate The Presence!” | Luke 1:5-17 Bible Study
- 11.23.22 | “Holy Thanksgiving: An Open Invitation” | Luke 17:11-19 Bible Study
- 11.16.22 | “Great Savior, Great Service” | Mark 10:35-45 Bible Study
- 11.9.22 | “By One, Get One(self) Free” | John 8:31-36 Bible Study
- 11.2.22 | “Fall-o-ween Jesus” | Mark 1:16-20 Bible Study
- 10.26.22 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part II) | Psalm 1:4-6 Bible Study
- 10.19.22 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part I) | Psalm 1:1-3 Bible Study
- 10.12.22 | “Holy Birthday” | John 3:1-8 Bible Study
- 10.5.22 | “The Key To Success: The LORD’s Lip Service” | Joshua 1:7-9 Bible Study
- 9.28.22 | “Lost and Found” The Parable of the Lost Son(s) | Luke 15:11-32 Bible Study
- 9.21.22 | “SuperHeRose” | Ephesians 1:17-23 Bible Study
- 9.14.22 | “First Aid” | Mark 2:1-12 Bible Study
- 9.7.22 | “Priorities: Private Prayer, Public Proclamation” | Mark 1:35-39 Bible Study
- 8.31.22 | “Not So Fast! Not Reforming, Transforming!” | Mark 2:21-22 Bible Study
- 8.24.22 | “Feasting, Not Fasting! It’s Not A Wake; It’s A Wedding!” | Mark 2:18-20 Bible Study
- 8.17.22 | “Wholly Harvest The Holy Harvest” | John 4:35-42 Bible Study
- 8.10.22 | “Hunger For The Food Of Faithfulness” | John 4:27-34 Bible Study
- 8.3.22 | The Parable Of The Good Samaritan: “Be A Good Neighbor, Love Without Limits” | Luke 10:25-37 Bible Study
- 7.27.22 | “The Greatest Command: Love the LORD (Be Devotional, Daily)” | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Bible Study
- 7.20.22 | “SON-shine!” | Matthew 5:14-16 Bible Study
- 7.13.22 | “Salt of the Earth: The Preserving Seasoning of Heaven” | Matthew 5:13 Bible Study
- 7.6.22 | “Good Christians Who Suffer For Good Are In Good Company” | Matthew 5:10-12 Bible Study
- 6.29.22 | “God’s People Make Godly Peace” | Matthew 5:9 Bible Study
- 6.22.22 | “The Wholehearted Who Seek God Will See God” | Matthew 5:8 Bible Study
- 6.15.22 | “Merciful Father, Merciful Children: Showers of Mercy Receive Showers of Mercy” | Matthew 5:7 Bible Study
- 6.8.22 | “The Righteous Deliverer Will Satisfy Seekers Of The Right Diet” | Matthew 5:6 Bible Study *
- 6.1.22 | “The Master’s Meek Will Inherit The Lord’s Land” | Matthew 5:5 Bible Study *
- 5.25.22 | “The Beatitudes: Blessings of the Godly Good Life” (Part I) | Matthew 5:1-4 Bible Study *
- 5.18.22 | “Foreign or Fruitful?” | John 15:1-8 Bible Study
- 5.11.22 | “Christ Can Still Storms” | Mark 4:35-41 Bible Study *
- 5.4.22 | “Lady Wisdom’s Text Appeal: Be A Listener Or A Laughing Stock” | Proverbs 1:20-33 Bible Study *
- 4.27.22 | “Don’t Give In To Sin; Beware Of The Snare” | Proverbs 1:8-19 Bible Study *
- 4.20.22 | “First Things First: House Rules” | Proverbs 1:7 Bible Study *
- 4.13.22 | “A Life in God’s Hands is a Life in Good Hands” | Luke 23:46 Bible Study (+ Matthew 25:41-46) *
- 4.6.22 | “The Least of These, Sheep vs. Goats (Part II)” | Matthew 25:40 Bible Study *
- 3.30.22 | “The Least of These, Sheep vs. Goats (Part I)” | Matthew 25:31-39 Bible Study *
- 3.23.22 | “Sure in the Shepherd (Part II): Presence > Presents” | Psalm 23:4-6 Bible Study *
- 3.16.22 | “Sure in the Shepherd (Part I)” | Psalm 23:1-3 Bible Study *
- 3.9.22 | “Good Shepherd, Great Sacrifice” | John 10:11-21 Bible Study *
- 3.2.22 | “Adorable Sheep, A-Door-Able Shepherd” | John 10:1-10 Bible Study *
- 2.23.22 | “The Fire of Desire: Don’t Covet; Be Content” | Exodus 20:17 Bible Study *
- 2.16.22 | “Don’t Bear False Witness; Be A Faithful Witness” | Exodus 20:16 Bible Study *
- 2.9.22 | “Take Anti-Theft Advice” | Exodus 20:15 Bible Study *
- 2.2.22 | “Unadulterated Devotion, Righteous Responsibility” | Exodus 20:14 Bible Study *
- 1.26.22 | “For God’s Sake, Don’t Take A Life Unjustly; Just Give Ya Life For God’s Sake” | Exodus 20:13 Bible Study *
- 1.19.22 | “He Served to Save; We’re Saved to Serve” | Mark 1:29-31, 10:45 Bible Study *
- 1.12.22 | “New Year, Same Gospel” (Part II) | 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 Bible Study *
- 1.5.22 | “New Year, Same Gospel” (Part I) | 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Bible Study *
- 12.29.21 | “Contagious Holiness, Man Sanitizer” | Mark 1:40-45 Bible Study *
- 12.22.21 | “A True Tale of Two Kings” | Matthew 2:13-23 Bible Study *
- 12.15.21 | “What Should We Get Christ For Christmas?” | Matthew 2:1-12 Bible Study *
- 12.8.21 | “Get The Christmas Spirit Into You!” | Matthew 1:22-25 Bible Study *
- 12.1.21 | “CHRISTmas Time: Genesis of Jesus, Savior From Sin” | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study *
- 11.24.21 | “Happy ThanksLiving” | Colossians 3:12-17 Bible Study *
- 11.17.21 | “Honor Your Father & Mother: Godly Gravity” | Exodus 20:12 Bible Study *
- 11.10.21 | “On The One’s Hand… On the Other Hand…” | Mark 3:1-6 Bible Study *
- 11.3.21 | “Sabbath: Sign of the (Old) Covenant” | Exodus 20:8-11 Bible Study *
- 10.27.21 | “Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath” | Mark 2:23-28 Bible Study *
- 10.20.21 | “The Third Commandment” No Shame On His Name” | Exodus 20:7 Bible Study *
- 10.13.21 | “The Second Commandment: No Idle, Idol Worship” | Exodus 20:4-6 Bible Study *
- 10.6.21 | “The First Commandment: Mountain Marriage Vow” | Exodus 20:3 Bible Study *
- 9.29.21 | “The X Commandments: Full-Bodied Faith, Free To Serve” | Exodus 20:1-2 Bible Study *
- 9.22.21 | “Preach the Word, Reach the World” | 2 Timothy 4:1-5 Bible Study *
- 9.15.21 | “Catch For Christ” | Luke 5:1-11 Bible Study *
- 9.8.21 | “Christian Construction vs. Flimsy Foundation” | Matthew 7:24-27 Bible Study *
- 9.1.21 | “Room Temperature” | Revelation 3:14-22 Bible Study *
- 8.25.21 | “Just Want Justice From The Judge” | The Parable of the Persistent Widow | Luke 18:1-8 Bible Study *
- 8.18.21 | “Ask, Seek, Knock: Our Good Father Gives Good Gifts” | Matthew 7:7-11 Bible Study *
- 8.11.21 | “The Parable of The Sower: Good Seed. Good Ground?” | Matthew 13:1-23 Bible Study *
- 8.4.21 | “Good Judgment” | Matthew 7:1-6 Bible Study*
- 7.28.21 | “Awesome Authority, Power Points” | Mark 1:21-28 Bible Study *
- 7.21.21 | “Suffering For The Savior: A Sign” | Philippians 1:28-30 Bible Study*
- 7.14.21 | “Savior’s Citizens: Rights and Responsibilities” | Philippians 1:27 Bible Study*
- 7.7.21 | “The Priority of Progress” | Philippians 1:22-26 Bible Study *
- 6.30.21 | “Life is God!” | Philippians 1:18b-21 Bible Study *
- 6.23.21 | “The Crisis of Christ, Divisive Deliverer” | Luke 12:49-53 Bible Study *
- 6.16.21 “Godly Gifts, Faithful Father, Divine Delivery” | James 1:16-18 Bible Study *
- 6.9.21 | “Tongue Reins, Tongues Reign” | James 3:1-12 Bible Study *
- 6.2.21 | “Faith Works (Part II)” | James 2:21-26 Bible Study *
- 5.26.21 | “Faith Works” (Part I)” | James 2:14-20 Bible Study *
- 5.19.21 | “Prison to Praise, Suffering to Salvation” | Acts 16:16-34 Bible Study *
- 5.12.21 | “Grand Opening, Grand Closing: Christ is Key” | Acts 16:9-15 Bible Study *
- 5.5.21 | “Armed, Armored Ambassadors” | Ephesians 6:17-20 Bible Study *
- 4.28.21 | “Girded With God’s Armor” | Ephesians 6:14-16 Bible Study *
- 4.21.21 | “Christ is the Victor; Stand Firm in Victory” | Ephesians 6:10-13 Bible Study *
- 4.14.21 | “Great Name Building” | Genesis 11:1-9 Bible Study *
- 4.7.21 | “Divine Trial, Divine Triumph” | Psalm 82 Bible Study *
- 3.31.21 | “He is Alive; Are You Afraid?” | Mark 16:1-8 Bible Study *
- 3.24.21 | “Christ Made Cornerstone: The Day the LORD Has Made!” | Mark 12:1-12 Bible Study *
- 3.17.21 | “Stay Ready! Christ is Coming!” | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Bible Study *
- 3.10.21 | “Health Wanted” | Mark 2:13-17 Bible Study *
- 3.3.21 | “A Christ-Conscious Conscience” | Proverbs 3:5-6 Bible Study *
- 2.24.21 | “The King Has Come; Come to the King” | Mark 1:14-15 Bible Study *
- 2.17.21 | “Water into Wine: A Taste of What’s to Come” | John 2:1-11 Bible Study *
- 2.10.21 | “The Shape of Love: The Cross” | John 15:9-14 Bible Study *
- 2.3.21 | “Jesus: More Than Your Homeboy” | Luke 4:22-30 Bible Study *
- 1.27.21 | “Divine Paternity Tests” | Luke 4:1-13 Bible Study
- 1.20.21 | “Lost and Found” | Luke 15:11-32 Bible Study
- 1.13.21 | “Cross Training” | 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Bible Study
- 1.6.21 | “If We’re Following Christ, Christ Comes First” | Mark 8:34-38 Bible Study
- 12.30.20 | “A Tale of Two Kings” | Matthew 2:13-23 Bible Study
- 12.23.20 | “What are You Getting Christ for Christmas?” | Matthew 2:1-12 Bible Study
- 12.16.20 | “Let the Christmas Spirit Get Into You” | Matthew 1:22-25 Bible Study
- 12.9.20 | “The Genesis of Jesus — Savior From Sin” | Matthew 1:18-21 Bible Study
- 12.2.20 | “Get Ready For Christmas; Celebrate the Presence” | Luke 1:5-17 Bible Study
- 11.25.20 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part II) | Psalm 1:3-6 Bible Study
- 11.18.20 | “Life: Use Only As Directed” (Part I) | Psalm 1:1-2 Bible Study
- 11.11.20 | “Wholly Harvest the Holy Harvest” | John 4:35-42 Bible Study
- 11.4.20 | “Hungry? Hangry?” | John 4:27-34 Bible Study
- 10.28.20 | “Not Feasting, Fasting. Not Reforming, Transforming (Pt II)” | Mark 2:20-22 Bible Study
- 10.21.20 | “Not Feasting, Fasting. Not Reforming, Transforming (Pt I)” | Mark 2:18-19 Bible Study
- 10.14.20 | “Facts: Faith’s Firm Foundation (Part II)” | 1 Corinthians 15:5-8
- 10.7.20 | “Facts: Faith’s Firm Foundation (Part I)” | 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
- 9.30.20 | “Spiritual Paralysis” | Mark 2:1-12 Bible Study
- 9.23.20 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers” (Part III) | 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 Bible Study *
- 9.16.20 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers” (Part II) | 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Bible Study *
- 9.9.20 | “Ambassadors For Christ: Reconciled Reconcilers” (Part I) | 2 Corinthians 5:11-13 Bible Study
- 9.2.20 | “The Least of These, Sheep vs. Goats” (Part II) | Matthew 25:31-46 Bible Study
- 8.26.20 | “The Least of These, Sheep vs. Goats” (Part I) | Matthew 25:31-46 Bible Study
- 8.19.20 | “Royal Family Resemblance: Salt & Light” | Matthew 5:13-16 Bible Study
- 8.12.20 | “Saved to Serve” | Mark 1:29-34 Bible Study
- 8.5.20 | “The Good Shepherd” (Part II) | John 10:1-21 Bible Study
- 7.29.20 | “The Good Shepherd” (Part I) | John 10:1-21 Bible Study
- 7.22.20 | “The Good Shepherd: Presents vs. Presence” | Psalm 23 Bible Study
- 7.15.20 | “Follow Christ: Go Fish!” | Mark 1:16-20 Bible Study
- 7.8.20 | “True Freedom, Indeed” | John 8:31-36 Bible Study
- 7.1.20 | “Priorities: Private Prayer, Public Preaching” | Mark 1:35-39 Bible Study
- 6.24.20 | “Temperature Check!” | Revelation 3:14-22 Bible Study
- 6.17.20 | “Good Judgment vs. Bad Judgment” | Matthew 7:1-6 Bible Study
- 6.10.20 | “Pay Attention: Listen, Love” | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Bible Study
- 6.3.20 | “True Religion: Tongue Tamed, Helping the Disdained, Remaining Unstained” | James 1:26-27 Bible Study
- 5.27.20 | “Practice What is Preached” | James 1:22-25 Bible Study
- 5.20.20 | “Contagious Holiness” | Mark 1:40-45 Bible Study
- 5.13.20 | “If the Gospel Takes Root, the Gospel Makes Fruit” | James 1:21 Bible Study
- 5.6.20 | “Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak, Slow to Anger” | James 1:19-20 Bible Study
- 4.29.20 | “Faithful Father, Divine Delivery” | James 1:15-18 Bible Study
- 4.22.20 | “Blessed Assuring, Beware of the Luring” | James 1:12-14 Bible Study
- 4.15.20 | “The Great Rever$al” | Danny Scotton, Jr. | James 1:9-11 Bible Study
- 4.8.20 | “Unwavering Request For Wisdom” | Danny Scotton, Jr | James 1:5-8 Bible Study
- 4.1.20 | “Growing Pains” | Danny Scotton, Jr. | James 1:1-4 Bible Study
- 3.25.20 | “Health Wanted”| Danny Scotton, Jr. | Mark 2:13-17 Bible Study