For the most recent sermons and services, please visit the Live Stream Page.
To see the bulletin, musical selections, sermon audio, sermon video, sermon slideshow and/or full live stream recordings for a recent Sunday, please click on a link below:
- 3.16.25 | “What A Revelation!” | Matthew 16:13-16 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.9.25 | “The Amazing Power of Prayer” | James 5:13-16 | Rev Pamela Taylor
- 3.2.25 | “Find Your Place In The Battle!” | 2 Chronicles 20:1-5, 14-15 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.23.25 | “God Is Able” | Isaiah 38:1-8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.16.25 | “Be Like A Tree!” | Jeremiah 17:5-8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.9.25 | “Get Dressed, We’re at War” | Ephesians 6:10-20 | Rev. Brenda Bligen
- 2.2.25 | “Always At Work!” | John 5:17-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.26.25 | “God Works With What We Got!” | Mark 6:35-44 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.19.25 | “Leave The Details To God” | 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.12.25 | “Keep Working Out! You’ll Be A Star! | Philippians 2:12-15 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 1.5.25 | “The Baby Is Of Most Importance” | Luke 2:15-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.31.24 Watch Night Service | “God Works!”
- 12.29.24 Sunday Service | “God Works!” | Romans 8:28 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.22.24 Christmas Sunday Service | “Get The Point Of Christmas!” | Matthew 1:20-21 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.15.24 Sunday Service | “The Invisible God Made Himself Visible” | John 1:14-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.8.24 Sunday Service | “Keep Your Head Up!” | Psalm 121 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.1.24 Sunday Service |”Overcoming Spiritual Amnesia” | Matthew 6:25-34 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.24.24 Sunday Service | “Thanksgiving Basics” | Psalm 100 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.17.24 Sunday Service | “The Only Sure Guide” | Psalm 119:105-112 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.10.24 Sunday Service | “Trouble Don’t Last Always, But God Does!” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.3.24 Sunday Service | “Don’t Forget We Serve A Great God!” | Psalm 146 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.27.24 Sunday Service | “Intercessors Wanted” | 1 Samuel 25:2-17 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 10.20.24 Sunday Service | “Knock, Knock! He’s There!” | Luke 11:9 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 10.13.24 Sunday Service | “Riding Through A Storm” | Acts 27:13-20, 27 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.6.24 Sunday Service | “More Member Per Member” | 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.29.24 22nd Pastoral Anniversary Sunday Service | “Do You Know What Time It Is?” | Matthew 4:2-5 | Pastor Carlos Worthy
- 9.22.24 Sunday Service | “The Peace Of God” | Philippians 4:4-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.15.24 Sunday Service | “Apple For The Teacher” | Proverbs 7:2 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 9.8.24 Sunday Service | “Gratitude Matters” | Luke 17:11-19 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.1.24 Sunday Service | “What Are You Thinking About?” | Philippians 4:8-9 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.25.24 Sunday Service | “Thirsty And Don’t Even Know It” | Psalm 42:1-2 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.18.24 Sunday Service | “Strength In Fellowship” | Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.11.24 Sunday Service | “Worship Is Non-Negotiable” | Psalm 122 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.4.24 Sunday Service | “Want Your Prayers Answered On Time? Wait On God” | Proverbs 16:9 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 7.28.24 Sunday Service | “Under The C(hrist)” | Mark 4:41 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.21.24 Sunday Service | “Real Love” | 1 Corinthians 13 | Min. Robert Taylor
- 7.14.24 Sunday Service | “I’m A Little ‘m’ ” | John 13:12-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.7.24 Sunday Service | “Nothing Trumps This!” | 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.30.24 Youth Sunday Service | “The Lord Of Liberty: Let Freedom Ring!” | Luke 4:18-19
- 6.23.24 Graduation and Scholarship Recognition Sunday Service | “Lemme See Some I.D.” | John 4:7-23 | Min. Ronald Dukes
- 6.16.24 Father’s Day Sunday Service | “Fathers, Today, Be Strong and Courageous!” | Hebrews 5:5, Joshua 1:5-7 | Min. Duane Wallace
- 6.9.24 47th Church Anniversary Sunday Service | “He’s an On-Time God; Just Read The Stones” | Joshua 4:19-24, 5:10-12 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 6.2.24 Sunday Service | “Am I Available To God?” | Rev. Lewis Cook | Ephesians 2:10
- 5.26.24 Sunday Service | “The Difficulty In Waiting” | Isaiah 40:27-31 | Min. Robert Taylor
- 5.19.24 Pentecost Sunday Service | “Now What?” | Acts 2:37-41 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.12.24 Mother’s Day Sunday Service | “What Prayer Warriors Look Like!” | 1 Samuel 1:9-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton
- 5.5.24 Sunday Service | “Close To The Edge” | 2 Kings 6:1-7 | Min. Ronald Dukes
- 4.28.24 Rededication Sunday Service Live Stream |”From Yearning To Burning”| 2 Timothy 1:6-7; Luke 24:25-35 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.26.24 Revival Service (3 of 3) | “Fan The Flame: Working Towards Availability”
- 4.25.24 Revival Service (2 of 3) | “Fan The Flame: Working Towards Availability”
- 4.24.24 Revival Service (1 of 3) | “Fan The Flame: Working Towards Availability”
- 4.21.24 Sunday Service Live Stream | “Taxin’ Action” | Luke 18:29-30 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 4.14.24 Sunday Service | “We Are Alive, Then We’re Available” | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Min. Duane Wallace
- 4.7.24 Sunday Service | “BestMilk” | 1 Peter 2:1-3 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 3.31.24 Resurrection Sunday Service | “How Did God Do That?” | John 20:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.29.24 Good Friday Service | “The Seven Last Words”
- 3.24.24 Palm Sunday Service | “Rock Music” | Matthew 21:9 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 3.17.24 Sunday Service | “Jesus Puts Ministry In Perspective” | Matthew 25:35-40 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.10.24 Sunday Service | “Spiritual Renewal!” | Psalm 51:10-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.3.24 Sunday Service | “Who You Listening To?” | Mark 9:2-9 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.25.24 Sunday Service | “In Christ, WeGro Spiritual: From Imprisoned To In Praise, Suffering To Salvation” | Acts 16:31 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 2.18.24 Sunday Service | “Wilderness Time Is Over!” | Mark 1:9-15 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.11.24 | “We Have What The World Needs” | Matthew 5:13-16 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.4.24 | “Standing In the Gap” | Genesis 18:22-33 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.28.24 | “Availability For Good and Glory” | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.21.24 | “What’s Love Got To Do With Availability?” | 1 John 3:16-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.14.24 | “When An ‘I Will Not’ Will Do” | Matthew 21:28-32 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.7.24 | “The Courage To Say Yes” | Acts 9:10-19 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.31.23 Happy New Year! | “Availability” | Isaiah 6:8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.24.23 Christmas Service| “The Wait Is Over!” | Matthew 1:17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.17.23 | “It’s A Done Deal!” | Luke 1:26-33 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.10.23 | “Faithful People Always Thank God For Jesus” | Luke 2:22-40 | Min. Duane Wallace
- 12.3.23 | “Who Are You Expecting For Christmas?” | Luke 7:18-23 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.26.23 | “Created For Relationships” | Matthew 22:37-39 | Rev. Brenda Bligen
- 11.19.23 | “Develop A Grateful Heart” | Colossians 3:15-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.12.23 | “Even In His Hands!” | Jeremiah 18:1-6 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.5.23 | “Running To The Lord” | Proverbs 18:10-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.29.23 Youth Sunday | “Do The Word! Don’t Be Tricked; Be Treated!” | James 1:22-25 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 10.22.23 | “Living In The Grip Of Grace” | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.15.23 | “A Dare And A Promise” | Psalm 34:8-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.8.23 | “It Is Written” | Matthew 4:1-11 | Min. Derrick Spring
- 10.1.23 21st Pastoral Anniversary | “Mercy For Multiple Miseries” | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | Pastor Kevin Early
- 9.24.23 | “Demonstrate Some Faith!” | Numbers 13:26-33 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.17.23 | “He Is Still The Lord Of The Harvest!” | John 4:39-42 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.10.23 | “SON-shine! Make Every Day a Salty SON-day!” | Matthew 5:13-16 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 9.3.23 | “Gaining and Regaining Vision” | Habakkuk 2:1-3 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.27.23 | “We Have A Waymaker!” | Isaiah 43:14-21 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.20.23 | “An Invitation To A Fishing Expedition” | Mark 1:16-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.13.23 | “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” | Luke 12:22-34 | Min. Duane Wallace
- 8.6.23 | “When Jesus Opens Your Eyes, Don’t Shut Your Mouth!” | John 9:1-3, 13-21, 24-25, 35-38 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 7.30.23 Youth Sunday | “Trust The Master’s Master Plan!” | Jeremiah 29:11 | Min. Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.23.23 | “Don’t Mess With The Message!” | Galatians 1:1-9 | Rev. Brenda Bligen
- 7.16.23 | “Greatness In Perspective” | Psalm 8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.9.23 | “What Does Your Praise Look Like?” | Psalm 150 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.2.23 | “Disciples Are Free Indeed!” | John 8:31-36 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.25.23 Graduation Sunday | “Keep Pressing!” | Philippians 3:12-14 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.18.23 Father’s Day | “Good Father’s Take Jesus At His Word” | John 4:46-54 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.11.23 | “Direct Attention to the Source of the Power” | Acts 3:11-16 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.4.23 | “What Does This Mean?” | Acts 2:5-12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.28.23 | “Deformed by Consumerism; Transformed by Christ” | Romans 12:1-5, 8:25 | Rev. Eric Hoheisel
- 5.21.23 Ascension Sunday | “Remember The Ascension” | Luke 24:48-53 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.14.23 Mother’s Day | “A Real Mother” | 1 Kings 3:16-28 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.7.23 | “To God Be The Glory” | 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.30.23 Youth Sunday | “Christian Content” | Philippians 4:12-13 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 4.23.23 | “Invest In Faith Not Fear!” | Jeremiah 32:37-44 | Min. Duane Wallace
- 4.16.23 | “Be Intrusive” | Romans 5:15-17 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 4.9.23 Resurrection Sunday | “Controversial Conclusion! He’s Alive; You Afraid?” | Mk 16:1-8 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 4.2.23 Palm Sunday | “He’s God The Whole World In His Palms” | John 12:12-19 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 3.26.23 | “If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?” | 2 Kings 7:1-9 | Rev. Brenda Bligen
- 3.19.23 | “Do You Understand What You Read?” | Acts 8:26-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.12.23 | “Don’t Believe Everything You Hear!” | Acts 17:10-12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.5.23 | “The Word of God is All That!” | Hebrews 4:12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.26.23 | “Know What Is Written!” | Matthew 4:1-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.19.23 | “Transitioning From Milk To Meat” | Hebrews 5:11-14 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.12.23 | “Handle Your Business!” | 2 Timothy 2:15 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.5.23 | “Authentic Heart Work” | Deuteronomy 6:6-9 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.29.23 Youth Sunday | “Lean On Thee” | Proverbs 3:5-6 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 1.22.23 | “A Book?” | 2 Kings 22:8-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.15.23 “Sweet!” | Psalm 19:7-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.8.23 | “It’s Not A Game; Have No Shame!” | Romans 1:16-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.1.23 | ” Hide The Word In Your Heart” | Psalm 119:9-16 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.31.22 Watch Night Service | “Hide The Word In Your Heart!” | Psalm 119:11
- 12.25.22 Christmas Sunday Service | “What Present Do You Bring?” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.18.22 Baptism Sunday Service | “Anticipation” | Isaiah 9:6-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.11.22 (Happy Birthday, Pastor) | “Great Expectations” | Matthew 1:18-21 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 12.4.22 | “There Is A Name!” | Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.27.22 | “Live Thanks! Victory, Not Vanity” | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 11.20.22 Thanksgiving Service | “Gratitude Is A Choice” | Ephesians 5:15-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.13.22 | “Dance For The Applause Of One” | 2 Samuel 6:16-22 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.6.22 | “Reasons To Be Optimistic” | 1 Samuel 17:32-37 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.30.22 Youth Sunday | “Hallow-wean” | Exodus 20:12 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 10.23.22 | “Spiritual Weapons Training” | Ephesians 6:17b | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.16.22 | “Develop Your Scripture Muscle Memory” | Joshua 1:6-9 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.9.22 | “Eyes On The Prize, The Path, and The Promise” | 1 Peter 1:3-9 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 10.2.22 | “There Is Much Work To Be Done” | Matthew 9:35-38 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.25.22 20th Pastoral Anniversary | “A Good Shepherd Cares” | Matthew 18:12-14 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 9.18.22 | “The Providential Hand Of God (Part 3)” | Esther 8:1-8, 11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.11.22 | “The Providential Hand Of God (Part 2)” | Esther 4:11-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.4.22 | “The Providential Hand Of God” | Esther 2:15-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.28.22 | “The Power Of A Habit” | Daniel 6:10-24 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.21.22 | “Confidence Is Knowing He Is Able” | Daniel 3:13-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.14.22 | “Accentuate The Positive” | 2 Timothy 1:6-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.7.22 | “Thirsty? Come To The Well That Makes All Well With One’s Soul” | John 4:1-26 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.31.22 | “Pledge Allegiance To God: Leave the Rest Behind” | Luke 18:18-30 | Rev. Pamela Taylor
- 7.24.22 | “Summa of Love” | 1 Corinthians 13 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.17.22 | “From Protest and Petition to Praise” | Psalm 13 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.10.22 | “I Give Myself Away” | 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.3.22 | “Dependence – Not Independence – Sets Us Free” | Luke 13:10-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.26.22 Graduate and Scholarship Recognition Day | “What a Difference a Foundation Makes” | Matthew 7:24-27 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.19.22 Father’s Day | “Every Day is A Father’s Day” | Luke 15:11-24 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.12.22 | “Don’t Waver With The One Who Walks On Water” | Matthew 14:22-33 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 6.5.22 | “The Greatest Thing is Christ’s Bread” | Matthew 14:13-21 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 5.29.22 | “Ascension: When Less is More” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.22.22 | “God Is Able!” | Isaiah 40:28-31 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.15.22 | “Straight Paths, Not Straight Lines” | Proverbs 3:5-6 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.8.22 Mother’s Day | “Faithful Mothers Will Settle For Crumbs” | Matthew 15:21-28 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.1.22 | “What Is That To You?” | John 21:20-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.24.22 | “A Christological Pronouncement” | John 20:24-29 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.17.22 Resurrection Sunday Service | “The Third Day” | Luke 24:1-8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.10.22 | “Palm Sunday: Psalm Sunday, Qualm Sunday” | Luke 19:38 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 4.3.22 | “The Ways We Honor Jesus” | John 12:1-8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.27.22 | “God May Relent If We Repent” | Jonah 3:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.20.22 | “Shake It Off and Get To Stepping!” | Acts 28:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.13.22 | Alpha Baptist Church 2022 Deacon Ordination Service | Acts 6:1-6 | Pastor Frederick Thompson
- 3.13.22 | “Discipleship Begins and Ends With Cross-Bearing” | Mark 8:34-38 | Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.6.22 | “‘Make Disciples’ is a Command!” | Matthew 28:18-20 | Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.27.22 | “Amazing Grace, How Sweet The Sight” | John 9:25 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 2.20.22 | “Look At Us!” | Acts 3:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.13.22 | “The Lavish Love” | 1 John 3:1-3 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.6.22 | “Soul Food” | John 4:27-34 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.30.22 | “Faith: Our Greatest Asset” | Job 13:15a | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.23.22 | “Trust God To Do The Impossible” | Mark 10:17-27 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.16.22 | “We Have The Antidote” | Matthew 6:25-34 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.9.22 | “New Ears Resolution” | Mark 7:31-37 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 1.2.22 | “Hope in the Midst of Trouble” | Psalm 27:1-5 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.31.21 Watch Night Service | “Nobody But Jesus!”
- 12.26.21 | “Nobody But Jesus!” | Acts 4:11-12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.19.21 Christmas | “Spread the Word Concerning the Word” | Luke 2:8-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.12.21 | “How Do You Prepare For a Joyous Christmas?” | Matthew 2:1-12 | Rev. Lewis Cook
- 12.5.21 | “Prepare the Way!” | Luke 3:1-6 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.28.21 | “The Lord’s Thanksgiving: An Open Invitation” | Luke 17:11-19 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 11.21.21 Thanksgiving | “Give a Grateful Praise” | Psalm 100 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.14.21 | “Choose To Be Thankful” | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.7.21 | “When You Call, Expect An Answer!” | Acts 12:12-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.31.21 | “P.B.P. (Prayer Band Power)” | Acts 12:1-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.24.21 | “The Operative Word is ‘Through'” | Mark 4:35-41 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.17.21 | “Holy Birthday” | John 3:1-8 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 10.10.21 | “Finishing By Faith” | Hebrews 12:1-3 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.3.21 | “Tradition Won’t Save You, But Jesus Will” | Matthew 15:1-20 | Rev. Pam Taylor
- 9.26.21 | “SuperHeRose” | Ephesians 1:17-23 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 9.19.21 | “Facing Tough Times By Faith” | Hebrews 11:29-34 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.12.21 | “Choose By Faith” | Hebrews 11:23-28 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.5.21 | “Trust By Faith” | Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.29.21 | “The Good Samaritan: Love Without Limits” | Luke 10:25-37 Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 8.22.21 | “Obey By Faith” | Hebrews 11:7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.15.21 | “Walk By Faith” | Hebrews 11:5-6 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.8.21 | “Worship By Faith” | Hebrews 11:4 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.1.21 | “New Passover: The Lord, The Lamb” | Mark 14:12-26 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.25.21 | “Great Savior, Great Service” | Mark 10:35-45 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.18.21 | “God Holds Our Tomorrows” | 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Ecclesiastes 3:1 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.11.21 Reopening Service | “You’re Invited to Worship” | Psalm 95:1-7a | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.4.21 | “First Commandment Right: Freedom to Serve” | Exodus 20:1-3 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 6.27.21 Graduation and Scholarship Recognition Day | “No Need to Go Looking for Goliath” | 1 Samuel 17:20-37 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.20.21 Father’s Day | “Where Do You Stand?” | Joshua 24:14-15 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.13.21 | “Let Us Meet Together For Worship” | Hebrews 10:19-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.6.21 | “The Oil of Obedience” | 2 Kings 4:1-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.30.21 | “Be About the LORD’s Business: Listen, Love, Convey (LLC)” | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 5.23.21 Pentecost Sunday | “The Pouring is Foundational” | Acts 2:29-36 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.16.21 | “Have a Preoccupation With a Heavenly Reality” | Colossians 3:1-4 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.9.21 Mother’s Day | “I’m So Glad She Prayed” | 1 Samuel 1:9-20 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 5.2.21 | “Living For The Applause of One” | Colossians 1:9-12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.25.21 | “Believe On The Evidence” | John 14:11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.18.21 | “There is More Than Racism Here” | Numbers 12:1-16 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.11.21 | “Foreign or Fruitful?” | John 15:1-8 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 4.4.21 Resurrection Sunday | “God Sent the Angels With the 411” | Matthew 28:1-10| Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 4.2.21 Good Friday | “The Seven Last Words” of Christ
- 3.28.21 Palm Sunday | “Indebtedness” | John 12:12-19 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.21.21 | “A Call to Service” | Isaiah 6:1-8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.14.21 | “Our Clock is in God’s Hands” | 2 Kings 20:1-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 3.7.21 | “To Stumble, To Laugh or To Believe” | 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.28.21 | “We All Come From the Same Stuff” | Isaiah 64:8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.21.21 | “Details Details Details” | Mark 1:9-13 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.14.21 | “Others: Divisiveness Doesn’t Help” | Philippians 2:1-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 2.7.21 | “To Believe or Not to Believe: That is the Question” | John 3:16 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 1.31.21 | “By One, Get One(self) Free” | John 8:31-36 | Danny Scotton, Jr
- 1.24.21 | “The Key to Success: The LORD’s Lip Service” | Joshua 1:7-9 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 1.17.21 | “Power and Efficacy in Prayer” | James 5:13-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.10.21 | “Never Would Have Made It” | Psalm 124 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 1.3.21 | “Heads Up” | Psalm 121 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.31.20 | Watch Night Service 2020 | “God is With Us”
- 12.27.20 | “God is With Us” | Matthew 1:23 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.20.20 | “When We Come Into His Presence, Leap” | Luke 1:39-45 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.13.20 | “God’s Instruments of Impossibility” | Luke 1:26-38 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 12.6.20 | “If it is the Lord’s Will, I Will!” | James 4:13-17 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.29.20 | “Thanks-living” | Colossians 3:12-17 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 11.22.20 | “There is a War Going On” | James 4:1-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.15.20 | “Wisdom: Where Do We Begin?” | James 3:13-18 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.8.20 | “Christ the Tongue Tamer” | James 3:1-12 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 11.1.20 | “The Outer Reflection of an Inner Transformation” | James 2:14-26 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.25.20 | “A Christ Formation Process” James 1:19-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.18.20 | “My Trials Serve A Purpose” | James 1:1-4 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.11.20 | “Take a Break!” | Genesis 2:1-3 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 10.4.20 | “How Sweet the Sound” | 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.27.20 | “Preach the Word. Teach the Word. Reach the World.” 2 Timothy 4:1-5 | Danny Scotton, Jr. (Pastor’s 18th Anniversary)
- 9.20.20 | “Peace in the Midst of Trouble” | John 16:33 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.13.20 | “Nothing, Still Means Nothing” | Romans 8:35-39 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 9.6.20 | “Why Am I In This Cave?” | 1 Samuel 22:1-2 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.30.20 | “Good Seed. Good Ground?” | Matthew 13:1-23 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 8.23.20 | “An Expectant Attitude of Faith” | Isaiah 40:28-31 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.16.20 | “Be the Messenger, Not the Message” | 1 Peter 1:23-25 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.9.20 | “Remember God’s Divine Requirements” | Micah 6:8 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 8.2.20 | “Catch For Christ” | Luke 5:1-11 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.26.20 | “Listen to the LORD, the Wise Foundation” | Matthew 7:24-27 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.19.20 | “First Things First, House Rules” | Proverbs 1:7 | Danny Scotton, Jr.
- 7.12.20 | “We Have No Right to be Angry” | Jonah 4:1-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 7.5.20 | “You Don’t Have To Worry” | Philippians 4:4-7 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.28.20 | “Conditions for Divine Intervention” | 2 Chronicles 7:14 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. (Including Graduate & Scholarship Virtual Presentation)
- 6.21.20 | “Discipline Never Goes Out of Style” | Hebrews 12:4-11 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.14.20 | “Invite the Lord to Sanitize Your Heart” | Psalm 51:10 | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.
- 6.7.20 | “All Eyes on Christ” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Matthew 14:22-33
- 5.31.20 | “We Have a Divinely Given Advocate” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | John 16:7-11
- 5.24.20 | “We’ll Survive Because We’re Built on the Rock” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Matthew 16:13-20
- 5.17.20 | “Don’t Be Blinded to the Presence of God” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Numbers 22:21-35
- 5.10.20 | “Shout Out to the Mothers” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | 2 Timothy 1:1-5
- 5.3.20 | “This Ain’t No Ordinary Meal” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
- 4.26.20 | “Lose the Grasshopper Mentality” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Numbers 13:26-33
- 4.19.20 | “The Resurrection Makes It All Possible” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Luke 24:44-49
- 4.12.20 | “There Was No Plan B!” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
- 4.5.20 | “Make Some Noise” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Luke 19:37-40
- 3.29.20 | “Who Moved? The Immutability of The Lord” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Hebrews 13:8
- 3.22.20 | “God, You Have Our Attention!” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | 1 Samuel 3:1-10
- 3.15.20 | “A Worthy Subject For Boasting” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Jeremiah 9:23-24
- 3.8.20 | “Suit Up and Pray” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Ephesians 6:10-18
- 3.1.20 | “We Have What It Takes” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Matthew 4:1-11
- 2.23.20 | “We Can’t Stay on the Mountaintop” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Luke 9:28-36
- 2.16.20 | “What Do You Do?” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | 2 Chronicles 20:1-15
- 2.9.20 | “Don’t Get It Twisted, He is the Light!” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr | John 8:12
- 2.2.20 | “When In Trouble, Who You Gonna Call?” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr | Psalm 46
- 1.26.20 | “God Can Do As This Potter Does” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Jeremiah 18:1-10
- 1.19.20 | “There’s a Difference Between Wearing and Bearing” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Luke 9:23-26
- 1.12.20 | “Using Your Spiritual Gifts For Ministry” | Min. Phyllis Riley-Sabb | Ephesians 4:11-13
- 1.5.20 | “Don’t Let Christmas Be Anticlimactic” | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr. | Luke 2:15-20