7.21.24 Sunday Service | “Real Love” | First Corinthians 13 | Min. Robert Taylor


To download the bulletin, please click the second to last button on the toolbar below:

7-21-24 Bulletin Online Version

Musical Selections

To hear the musical selections, press play on the audio players. To download the musical selections, press the left button in the top-right corner of the audio players.

To view the video of each selection, please press the play button on the video player.


Prerecorded Selections

“The Jesus In Me Loves The Jesus In You” [Remastered]

“Give Him Glory” Live Music Video [Remastered]

Sermon Audio

To hear the audio from the sermon only, please click the play button below. To download the audio, please click the button on the left in the top-right corner.


Sermon Video

To view the video of the sermon only, please click the play button below:


Sermon Slideshow

To download the slideshow with Scripture passages referenced during the sermon, please click the second to last button on the toolbar below:


Live Stream Recording

For some reason, the YouTube stream cut out and had to be restarted.

To view the video from the entire live stream (including Praise & Worship, announcements, etc.), please click the play button below:

For more sermons and services, please visit the Sermon Archives page.

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