12.1.24 Sunday Service |”Overcoming Spiritual Amnesia” | Matthew 6:25-34 | Pastor Scotton


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12-1-24 Bulletin Online Version

Musical Selections

To hear the musical selections, press play on the audio players. To download the musical selections, press the left button in the top-right corner of the audio players.

To view the video of each selection, please press the play button on the video player.

Prerecorded Selections

“Gratefulness” [Remastered]

“Great and Mighty Is He” [Remastered]

Sermon Audio

To hear the audio from the sermon only, please click the play button below. To download the audio, please click the button on the left in the top-right corner.


Sermon Video

To view the video of the sermon only, please click the play button below:


Sermon Slideshow

To download the slideshow with Scripture passages referenced during the sermon, please click the second to last button on the toolbar below:

12-1-24 Sermon Slides

Live Stream Recording

To view the video from the entire live stream (including Praise & Worship, announcements, etc.), please click the play button below:

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